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MAMS Baseball 2021

MAMS Baseball 2021


Open: February 1st
Close: February 22nd

The Middle School Nurse, Mrs. McNulty, will both be available to accept all middle school sports physical paperwork on Monday, February 22nd, at the High School Main Entrance from 4:00pm - 7:00pm.
Students can also drop paperwork off with Mrs. McNulty during the school day.

IMPORTANT: If you have already registered in Family ID and submitted a sports physical for Summer, Fall, or Winter participation, you still must re-register in Family ID for Spring participation. (Family ID registration is required before the start of each season.)

You will not be able to participate without completing Family ID & having an up-to-date physical!



Please click the link below for help with Family ID:
Family ID Instructions


[ 2021 Season ]

Head Coach: Nick Vasilenko

+ The 2021 season will begin on Thursday, April 1st.
+ An official tryout schedule will be released as we approach the April 1st start date.
+ Please remember that all physical and Family ID information is submitted and approved (see above). You cannot participate without it. 
+ Please make sure to bring your own gear: glove, bat, helmet, catcher's gear, etc.
+ Baseball pants and hat for indoor and outdoor tryout required.
+ Be prepared to practice both outdoors and indoors, depending on the weather. Dress accordingly.